Saturday, September 13, 2008

Bad side is 'Bed'

I dunno what to do today!
surf internet all day long using Hafiz's laptop..he go back to Singapore la..and Acap leave his room key to me to get back the speaker..hmm....if I wanna watch muvie I'll take it then k..but currently, I'm lazy to go upstairs..hahaha..
Yesterday night, it was Prospek meeting..quite 'skema' I think..hahaha..on the paper it was a very good commitee..there are Aswad- former pantun director..Jannah-former Rahsia Ramadhan director..and a few of ex-prospek 07/08 seniors..quite interesting when majority of the 'ketua unit' are junior..WOW!! and as C.E.O of this project (me and Acap) - actually, we hire ourselve..hahaha.. we give some advices and experiences trough our tough journey of last Prospek.. It all worth you know when the journey was end with flying colours..beside the 'hutang' la..hahahaha..Guys!!! wake up for our NEW PROSPEK!!!
Lately, I spend a lot of my free time to sleep..hehehe..maybe too tired..but, what did I do?? so many class??nope! active with project??? nope! sports?? for sure, nope! watching movies?? not 100%! hmmm... maybe, I fequently sleep late at night..affect my biological clock..huh!!! you know what, while I write this blog, I don't get my shower yet..just wake up from my bed..
you know what, last wednesday I got test..and I don't even know about that test..hahaha..but, Alhamdulillah, I can answer the questions..hmmm...
last, huaaarghhhhhh!!! I'm sleepy guys...arghhh..see my bed and comforter there..aduhhhhh
ShukStarz: the art, the culture and the people!!


farahana said...

oit! funky i guess.em..ko mmg ade talent jd art taiko.haha.

Z a F said...

awak busyuk ....