Saturday, July 16, 2011

*My School Rock..

When YOU believe in something, prove it you can do it... with your heart, soul and a lil bit of sacrificing..
Yesterday, there was a dance competition My School Rock Disney Channel 2011 (audition in JB) and my school sent 2 teams THE PROWESS CREW and THE PRASASTI SENI.. but, sadly I was not around that time due to got other job to do.. Seriously sad.. I miss the moment they performed and nailed the stage and crazy crowds too...haishhhh.... You were too crazy guys..
By the way, I arrived when the result announced.. drove like a crazy drunk man on the road.. (had to check with my latest summons..hahahaha)... Yell like hell in my car when Rosman (my best friend teacher) told me that our school got BEST COSTUME and BEST SCHOOL CEERLEADING.. hahahaha... which I already expected.. A big congrats to PROWESS CREW with B-dancing which grabbed 2nd runner up in the competition..
Even the award was not BIG, but I was BIG enough to say CONGRATULATION GUYS!! YOU WERE ROCK YESTERDAY... JB was punched by US.. people can see now how ROCK our school was..
Big thanks to the participants, supporters, teachers and friends... not to forget ARTS Collection studio that helping me to choreographs them especially THE PRASASTI... their costume were totally awesome guys!!!! Thanks....
ShukStarz: my passion, my heart and my soul.. arts performance...

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